Welcome to Forgive for Health Ministries
We hope our ministry is able to encourage and enrich your life

Our Value Statement
Healing all relationships for good!

Our Vision
People living free of unforgiveness and all its consequences.

Our Mission Statement
Helping people grow and thrive with a forgiving heart.


Regardless of what you do, we appreciate your help and support.
We will send you a tax receipt for donations of any amount.

Thanks in advance!

















Matthew 6:14-15: "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." - GOD

After years of working with divorcees, Dr. Saunders noticed that many who were unforgiving were more ill and often could not complete programs such as Divorce Care in their recommended format. Many of these divorcees reported illnesses such as hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and chronic back pain. While working on her doctoral degree, Dr. Saunders discovered evidence-based literature that documented the connection between unforgiveness and chronic back pain. The article led her to conduct more studies on this topic, and ultimately, she completed her research on forgiveness and health in Black divorcees - resulting in the peer-reviewed published article, “Can Christian Divorce Support Groups influence Forgiveness and Health Outcome in Black Divorcees: A Phenomenological Investigation” in the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.

After publishing the article, Magon continued to build her knowledge in this area, but shortly afterward, she started feeling a call to start a ministry to help people to forgive. Already too busy to take on anything new, and not an ordained minister, Magon tried to resist this call for months and came up with several excuses regarding why this was not for her. But finally, in 2015, she surrendered and started this ministry as an inter-church program. This has allowed her to take the message of forgiveness across the U.S. and the world. Since then, Dr. Saunders and her team have developed courses, books, and other resources to assist individuals on how to forgive.

In 2018, Forgive for Health Ministries hosted its first annual conference, then filed for incorporation in the winter of 2019. The ministry aims to help individuals recover from life’s trauma and get them to move into a new life free from the burden of unforgiveness.

1. To encourage health care providers to assess the forgiveness levels of all patients and to refer them to appropriate “caring’’ professionals or ministries

2. To help all individuals to forgive so that they can live free from the shackles of unforgiveness.

3. To implement trauma-informed care in African Americans and other minorities, so that they can “thrive”, thereby reducing health disparities.

4. Work to build awareness and the evidence-based for addressing religion, education, food insecurity, transportation, and other social determinants of health.

5. Serve as a bridge between faith communities and public health to improve population health.

Integrity, Honesty, Love, Respect, Compassion, Quality, and Christian Service

We are upstanding in all we do and are guided by decency and fairness.

We are honest, open, and transparent in all of our dealings.

We strive to show all people the love of Christ.

We respect and listen to every person.

We show the compassion of Christ to all we meet.

We provide high-quality service and work with excellence as unto Christ.

Christian Service
We follow Christ’s leadership in service to all mankind.

Forgive for Health Ministries, Inc. exists to help all people to forgive. We offer forgiveness assessments, workshops, conferences, retreats, books, courses, and forgiveness circles, etc. to empower attendees to forgive those who have transgressed against them. We work with churches, other places of worship, hospitals, clinics, health systems, schools, work sites, families, etc. to assess forgiveness levels and to use that information to start the journey to healing and restoration. Forgive for Health Ministries, Inc. and its leaders believe in whole-person care and recognize the importance of healing the body, mind, soul, and spirit.

Incorporated in​ 2019, Forgive for Health Ministries works with willing individuals to heal all their relationships for good. We are committed to using all of our energy to work alongside God to restore health to his people. Forgiveness and its healing power have been critical in the life of our founder who has faced abuse, abandonment, and a host of adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and other life-altering events. Yet, today, Dr. Saunders’s main desire is to help those who have experienced trauma to come into the light of forgiveness.
Call us at 404-216-0621 or email us at forgive4health@gmail.com
and let us help you heal all your relationships for good.


“Forgiveness isn’t just practiced by saints or martyrs, nor does it benefit only its recipients.” Instead, studies are finding connections between forgiveness, physical, mental, and spiritual health, and evidence that it plays a key role in the health of families, communities, and nations. Though this research is still young, it has already produced some exciting findings- and raised some important questions (Worthington, 2004)




















Copyrighted 2024
 Forgive for Health Ministries, Inc.
A 501c(3) Organization | All Rights Reserved